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Friday, July 30, 2010

Who is a smart student and how to be one of them?

Who is a smart student and how to be one of them?

Everyone hope to be a smart student but not many can do it. Therefore i wrote this article to help those who wanted to be a smart student.

Who is a smart student and how to be one of them?

Smart students are student who are considered better than the other students. They are also said to have better brains and some say they are clever. I can say that this is not the fact as everyone begin from nothing when they were delivered to the world.

Therefore everyone can be a smart student if you work for it. But the question is how to be one of them? This is one of the most common questions asked but not many people knew the answer. The only way to be a smart student is by studying using visual. An experiment had been conducted and it is prove that a human can remember visual better than words. Therefore, we should always use different visual such as pictures.

On top of that, we must also always repeat our studied subject for many times, at least 45-50 times. This may sound impossible to be heard but it can be done easily if you constantly do it. It may used up a lot of time the first time you read it but the time will shorten when you do it the second time. When you repeat it for many times, you will see that you only need a short amount of time to finish reading it. By that time, you will be able to answer most of the question which is similar to the notes you read.

Next, you must also do more exercise. Exercises are important as it will show you the different ways of how a question could be asked. You will be able to see how a question could be twisted and you will face no problem in your examination later. As the saying goes, practice make perfect.

Finally you should also ask when you don’t understand something. Never feel shy or hesitate to ask your teacher or friends when you encounter problems in your studies as it will kill you. It is better to learn now so that you won’t have problem in the future. Remember, early birds catch the worm.

If you are able to follow this guidance for a long period of time, I am sure that you will be the next top student.

by thunder02
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