Here are a few college tips for adult students. I returned to finish my college degree in my forties.
Returning adult students can fit in, and I will help you!
College Tip #1
Be yourself! Don't try to be a teenager again.....Dress in a way that you normally would dress. Don't try to emulate the hoodies and flip flops of the kids sitting around you. Dress in a way that suits your age and who you are. You probably imagine they will make fun of adult students and laugh at you. They probably won't, but if you show up trying to be a hip teen-ager, they definitely will! So will your family and friends away from school.
College Tip #2
Don't act like you are smarter, more experienced, more mature, wiser, etc than they are. It is kind of a contradiction to say to act your age, but act equal to them. What I mean is to act like you think they are your equals. Even if you are thinking inside....."What kind of crazy kid is this?" I guarantee you that you will need to get this "crazy kid" to explain something to you that is alien to you.
College Tip #3
Don't force yourself into their conversations where you don't fit. They don't want to hear about adult students' lumbago. They might be interested in hearing about your daughter or son or niece or nephew and their life ocassionally, to relate. They really don't want to hear at all about how it was when you were there age. They really don't want to hear about it as much as your own kids do, and they only listen because they have to. As amazed as you are by the correlation of the "Mod Fashion" the girls are wearing and what you wore in Junior High School, they don't care! They think they invented it! And remember.....if you remember wearing the trend the first time it came around, you are not a candidate to wear it this time!
College Tip #4
Listen.....and Listen. Sometimes these kids really just want an adult that they feel comfortable with to listen to them. They have plenty of hip friends, and they may be disconnecting from their parents. Maybe older and wiser adult students can provide just what they need at this time in their lives.
College Tip #5
Remember you will have adult students in your classes, especially in community colleges and night classes. Don't gang up with the other adult students to make a young person feel young and foolish. Works both ways!
College Tip #6
Be careful to avoid bad breath and body sit in close quarters.
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