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Friday, July 30, 2010

A New Way for Students to Earn Money Online by Writing Articles

A New Way for Students to Earn Money Online by Writing Articles

The new social networking website for writers,, allows students to post articles on topics that interest them, and within their own time frame and schedule. Perfect for students on the go to comment about classes, teachers, campus life and more, pays its writers!

If you’re a student, you know a lot and are connected to the latest developments in the world and in pop culture. You’re talking and networking with tons of people and it’s expected of you to be writing and thinking every day about something new and what you think about it. Not to mention, you are practically required to be up on the newest technology.

If you’re a student, you’re also probably broke. Everything’s expensive and time is limited, and you need a way to make some extra cash to buy books or just have a little wiggle room each month. will give you that much needed income. Put simply – wants your thoughts. The Web has allowed a massive array of ideas, people, and places to finally get a chance to speak. let’s users, like you, post articles just like a blog and then they share the ad revenue with you. isn’t simply a publishing site like It’s a network where readers can quickly sort through posts and find out what they want to know. As a student, you know not only your classes, but you know what it’s like to be on your campus and in your city. let’s you speak out about your school, the good, the bad, and the fun, and let’s you share with other students. Oh – and they’ll pay you for it too. Other students can then comment on your posts and share them with others. All of which means more hits for your ideas. is free and doesn’t have a syllabus like your classes. You write when you want on what you want. Excited about what you’re studying? Post it. Your classmates will probably eat it up and thank you for it. Know of something happening it on campus? Put it up on and help other join in on the fun. Whatever it is, someone is looking to read about it.

by hlbroeker
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